For many business people, the thought of multi-level marketing can seem kind of scary. It is often misrepresented as a ‘pyramid scheme’, which can make some business owners weary. Others may simply not have any information about it. But with a little education and training, many people find multi-level marketing a great tool for their company
- Preface
- How Does Multi-Level Marketing Work
- Building a Contact List
- Recruiting New Agents I
- Recruiting New Agents II
- Training MLM Agents
- Sponsorship/Mentorship
- Provide Marketing Presentation Training
- Provide Social Media Training
- Provide Training in Recruitment
- Provide Ethics Training
- Credits towards the DQS XPERT Sales and Markieting Diploma
- Downloadable DQS XPERT certificate, with a certificate number that can be verified on the portal.
- Registration on the eLearning Portal is valid for 1 year with access to live updates, subject matter experts/instructors
- Includes animated case studies
To learn more about registration on the portal, watch this YouTube introduction video
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