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AccountAbility: AA1000 – Module A

AccountAbility: AA1000 – Module A



How do organizations become – and remain – sustainable? And why should they go through the trouble? Answers to these questions have both endured and evolved since the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles first appeared in 1999.

Over the past two and a half decades, and especially in the last 10 years, organizations have become increasingly focused on sustainability: what it is, why it matters, and how to manage and measure it. Some have become mature practitioners of sustainability assessment, governance and performance, whilst others are now fast developing their approach or setting out on this journey.

AccountAbility’s work is based on the AA1000 Series of Standards, which are founded on the Principles of:

  • Inclusivity – People should have a say in the decisions that impact them
  • Materiality – Decision makers should identify and be clear about the sustainability topics that matter
  • Responsiveness – Organizations should act transparently on material sustainability topics and their related impacts
  • Impact – Organizations should monitor, measure, and be accountable for how their actions affect their broader ecosystems

The AA1000AP (2018) is an internationally accepted, principles-based framework that guides organizations through the process of identifying, prioritizing, and responding to sustainability challenges, with the goal of improving long-term performance.

Systematically obtaining, understanding, and responding to stakeholder views and needs is a critical foundation for achieving organizational success and sustainability.

The AA1000 AccountAbility Stakeholder Engagement Standard (2015) – the most widely applied stakeholder engagement standard – establishes the global benchmark for conducting high-quality stakeholder engagement projects and programs.

The AA1000SES:

  • Provides a simple, relevant, and practical framework to implement high-quality stakeholder engagement
  • Outlines how to rethink an organization's approach to engagement by empowering stakeholders as active contributors to value creation
  • Describes how to integrate stakeholder engagement with an organization's governance, strategy, and operations

This AA1000 Module A comprises the following sections:



Contents and Principles

Chapter 1 – Forward

Chapter 2 – Purpose, Scope and Key advantages

Chapter 5 – Annexes

Supplementary 1: Module Recap 1

Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 1 – Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 2 – Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 3 – Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 4.1 - Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 4.2 - Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 4.3 - Stakeholder Engagement

Chapter 4.4 - Stakeholder Engagement


Supplementary 2: Module Recap 2

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Case Study 3


N.B Please note ALL AccountAbility courses must be completed to qualify for the official practitioner certificate.  Modules cannot be skipped and will need to be done consecutively. Upon Completion of all 3 courses an official Practitioner Certificate will be issued.

For more information visit the AccountAbility  website

To learn more about registration on the portal, watch this introduction video

Contact us at for more information.


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